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An arson attack destroyed this Liancourt business on the night of September 16-17

On the night of September 16-17, 2024, a grocery store on Rue Pasteur was targeted by a ramming car that was set on fire. The fire destroyed the business. An investigation has been opened.

The spectacle was impressive this night of Monday 16 to Tuesday 17 September 2024, rue Pasteur in Liancourt. Shortly after 1 a.m., the manager of the Nakshaiyian business, a grocery store that opened its doors at the very beginning of summer 2024, arrived on site after being alerted to a fire affecting his premises.

We close at 1am, he explained this Tuesday morning. I wasn’t working, but the employee was there. He had lowered the iron curtain at the scheduled time, and was still working inside to sort out some details before leaving, such as closing the cash register, for example.

An employee present inside the grocery store

According to the manager, it was only a few minutes after closing time that a vehicle reversed in.three times“in the Iron Curtain and a fire was lit.”Those in the car got out, poured gasoline on it and set it on fire before driving off, adds the person in charge of the place. The employee was inside. When the firefighters arrived they had to cut the iron curtain with an angle grinder to get him out.The victim inhaled the fumes and was treated by firefighters and taken to hospital.

This Tuesday morning, the traces of the fire were still clearly visible.

The premises were badly damaged by the fire, which spread very quickly. The store manager, who was dejected on Tuesday morning, acknowledged that it could have been much more dramatic: “My employee could have been stuck in it. What if it was my wife and children who had been there ?” Despite the situation, he assures that he is ready to reopen as soon as possible.Working in Liancourt is a joy, he assures. We have a great clientele, very nice people.

An “attempted robbery” with a weapon

This Tuesday morning, on site, the burnt vehicle had been removed. The exact circumstances of these events remain to be determined. A gendarmerie investigation has been opened.The public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation into the charges of armed robbery and damage by arson, entrusted to the Clermont research unit.“, indicated Frédéric Trinh, Public Prosecutor of Beauvais, this Tuesday morning.

He then clarified that it is in reality “of an attempted theft in a store” and adding: “The perpetrators smashed into the window with a stolen vehicle before setting it on fire and then fleeing..”

Justine Esteve

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In Liancourtois, a fire seriously injures a 40-year-old woman
