DayFR Euro

Ursula von der Leyen appoints 26 members of her new executive

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen finally unveiled her new team of commissioners on Tuesday 17 September, focused on Europe’s competitiveness.

In the coming weeks, the potential commissioners will still have to pass the always delicate stage of hearings in Parliament and a vote by MEPs to be officially appointed.

The future European executive currently has 11 women for 16 men, a figure below the promised parity. The Commission President stressed a rebalancing in the final stretch, but it “There is still work to be done”agreed the German leader, after several weeks of controversy on the subject.

► President: Ursula von der Leyen (Germany)

► Executive Vice-President for Just, Clean and Competitive Transition: Teresa Ribera Rodriguez (Spain)

► Executive Vice President for Prosperity and Industrial Strategy: Stéphane Séjourné ()

Ursula von der Leyen said she knew Stéphane Séjourné “very well” and that he would make an excellent commissioner.

The French President has proposed Stéphane Séjourné as France’s new candidate. I know Stéphane Séjourné very well. ” who chaired the Renew group (centrists and liberals) in the European Parliament from 2021 to 2024, she stressed. “ We have worked very well together, and I am convinced that he will be an excellent European Commissioner. »

► Executive Vice-President for Population and Skills: Roxana Minzatu (Romania)

► Vice-President for Cohesion and Reforms: Raffaele Fitto (Italy)

The minister for European affairs in the far-right government of Giorgia Meloni has been appointed, despite criticism from the left and centre of the European political spectrum. Italy finally returns as a protagonist in Europe. Good luck Raffaele, we are sure that you will fulfill your role very well in the interest of Europe and Italy », reacted Giorgia Meloni on X.

► High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Kaja Kallas (Estonia)

► Executive Vice-President for Technological Sovereignty, Security and Democracy: Henna Virkunnen (Finland)

► Commissioner for Trade and Economic Security, Institutional Relations and Transparency: Maros Sefcovic (Slovakia)

► Commissioner for Economy, Productivity, Implementation and Simplification: Valdis Dombrovskis (Latvia)

► Commissioner for the Mediterranean: Dúbravka Suica (Croatia)

► Commissioner for Animal Health and Welfare: Oliver Varhelyi (Hungary)

► Commissioner for Net Zero Emissions and Clean Growth: Wopke Hoekstra (Netherlands)

► Commissioner for Defence and Space: Andrius Kubilius (Lithuania)

This new position was created by Ursula von der Leyen, to deal with the Russian threat and the war in Ukraine. Twice former prime minister, credited with his country’s economic recovery during the 2008 financial crisis, Andrius Kubilius will have to strengthen defense in Europe, a priority of the new Commission. But the extent of his responsibilities, and the means at his disposal, remain to be specified.

► Commissioner for EU Enlargement: Marta Kos (Slovenia)

► Commissioner for International Partnerships: Jozef Sikela (Czech Republic)

► Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans: Costas Kadis (Cyprus)

► Commissioner for Financial Services, Economy and Investment: Maria Luis Albuquerque (Portugal)

► Commissioner for Crisis Management, Preparedness and Equality: Hadja Lahbib (Belgium)

► Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration: Magnus Brunner (Austria)

► Commissioner for Environment, Water and Competitive Circular Economy: Jessika Roswall (Sweden)

► Commissioner for Budget, Anti-Fraud and Public Administration: Piotr Serafin (Poland)

► Commissioner for Energy and Housing: Dan Jorgenson (Denmark)

► Commissioner for Start-ups, Research and Innovation: Ekaterina Zaharieva (Bulgaria)

► Commissioner for Democracy and Justice: Michael McGrath (Ireland)

► Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism: Apostolos Tzizikostas (Greece)

► Commissioner for Agriculture and Food: Christophe Hansen (Luxembourg)

► Commissioner for Intergenerational Justice, Youth, Culture and Sport: Glenn Micallef (Malta)


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