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Nolwenn Leroy sanctioned, TF1 takes the hit

Published on 09/17/2024 at 11:21

Nolwenn Leroy is the heroine of the series Brocéliande this Monday, September 16, 2024 in prime time. However, the TF1 fiction was far from filling up on commercial targets. Explanations.

This Monday, September 16, 2024, Nolwenn Leroy played the role of Fanny in the series Broceliande The young woman, back after many years of absence, wanted to know who was behind the disappearance of her best friend.

The first episode of the series won over 4.46 million people on Monday, September 16, 2024 between 9:11 p.m. and 10:08 p.m., representing a 21.7% market share among the general public. The rest of the series, offered from 10:14 p.m., caught the attention of 3.93 million people, representing a 24% market share among those aged four and over.

Broceliande helpless in the face of Love is in the meadow

TF1 came out on top in overall audience ratings, following the continuation of season 19 of Love is in the meadow on the M6 ​​channel. The two parts of the issue of this Monday, September 16, 2024, where Nathalie was ready to throw up at home Stephanebrought together 3.79 and 3.43 million French people, or 18.2% and 19.9% ​​of the overall audience. The flagship program is down over one week.

Only, on commercial targets, animated entertainment by Karine Le Marchand takes the lead over the entire evening. Both parts of Love is in the meadow convinced 26.8% and 27.8% of women responsible for purchases under fifty, compared to 23.9% for the first episode of Broceliande and 26.3% for the second part.

Broceliande : M6 hits the series on commercial targets

Among the 25-49 age group, TF1 is taking a hit with 19.3% and 20.4% of the 25-49 age group in prime time. The private channel is far behind M6 with the continuation of Love is in the meadow . Entertainment won 26.5% over both parties. Furthermore, M6’s entertainment was very strong among 25-34 year-olds with a 39% market share.

Nolwenn Leroy is therefore sanctioned on all priority commercial targets since despite the event aspect of the series Broceliande they failed to bring down Love is in the meadow still very strong on the populations prized by advertisers. Will TF1 maintain this same dynamic in the following weeks, where the finale would be breathtaking according to Arnaud Binard ?

The continuation of Broceliande can be found this Monday, September 23, 2024 on TF1 at 9:10 p.m.


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