DayFR Euro

Focus on everbearing strawberry plants at Coöperatie Hoogstraten

The annual variety day took place on Tuesday 10 September at Coöperatie Hoogstraten, where growers and other interested parties were able to come and assess the available strawberry varieties. This year, the focus was on everbearing varieties, unlike the spring edition which had focused on short-day strawberries. “The variety day was a success, with around 70 participants actively giving their assessment, in addition to a number of visitors who only came to look and taste,” says Michiel Vermeiren of Coöperatie Hoogstraten.

Various strawberry varieties were presented at the variety day, all from gutter cultivation on substrate. The varieties presented included the popular Elsanta, Falco, Florice, Lady Emma, ​​Karima, Murano and a trial variety from June bearers that is not yet commercially available. “This time we have chosen to focus more on everbearing varieties,” says Vermeiren.

“In the spring we saw the short-day varieties, but at this point in the year we are working more with the everbearing varieties. In addition, we are seeing a change in the crop. While last season we still had a ratio of 12% for these varieties versus 88% for traditional varieties in terms of volume, this year it is 30% versus 70% respectively. This change is explained by the need to have more consistent crop and work cycles. By working more with everbearing varieties, producers can obtain a less hectic harvest and work schedule.”

Three-stage evaluation
The variety day offered growers and visitors the opportunity not only to see the strawberries, but also to taste and smell them. To do this, Coöperatie Hoogstraten uses a three-stage system. “First, the presentation box, in which the strawberries are only intended for visual evaluation. Then, a tasting box, and finally a storage box, where the strawberries were harvested on the Thursday before the variety day and stored in a special storage cell. This gives a realistic picture of how the fruits develop under different conditions and clearly shows the differences between the varieties.”

The results of the variety day are currently being processed in collaboration with the Hoogstraten test centre. “We are analysing the results and discussing them with our growers and business partners,” Vermeiren concludes.

For more information:
Michiel Vermeiren
Hoogstraten Cooperative
Tel.: +32 33400211
[email protected]


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