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Elah (Large Families) reveal their tip for saving money when going out with their children

Yesterday at 23:00 – by Clara Pouvil

This Monday, September 16, in the new episode of Large families: life in XXL On TF1, the Elahs got ready for a trip to the funfair. The opportunity for them to reveal their tips for saving money on site and allowing their children to have more fun.

The new season of Large families: life in XXL started a few weeks ago on TF1. While new families have appeared in the credits, old tribes have made a comeback, like the Elah. In addition to sharing their daily lives on TF1, Hanaa and her husband Irshad do so on their Instagram page where they have more than 137,000 subscribers. On February 25, for their arrival on the program, they did not hesitate to share their experience.Because we love new family experiences, we embarked on an adventure and what an adventure! We met extraordinary people, we opened the doors of our home, opened our hearts, we told our story, our family, our fight and we hope that our story will give you hope or at least allow you to understand what a couple, a family like us can experience.“.

Large families : the Elahs on an outing with their children to a place they love!

This Monday, September 16, in the new episode of Large families: life in XXL broadcast on TF1, Hanaa and her husband Irshad decided to take their children to the funfair.It’s school holidays, we’ll have to find something to keep our children occupied. We decide to head to the funfair, we know they love it. We’re going to get ready, organize all the bags and it’s true that preparing with a large family is quite a sport. You have to think of everything.“, confided the mother before preparing the things.

The Elah (Large families): what they take to the funfair to save money and allow their children to go on more rides

To save money, the Elahs have thought of everything.Usually at the funfair, The prices are quite high. So we try to compensate by bringing drinks“, explained the father of the family, Irshad Elah.We say to ourselves that by bringing the drinks, we will only have the snack to eat there (…) We will have a bigger budget to make them do more rides.. We scratch a little to balance the scales.“, continued Hanaa Elah.

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