DayFR Euro

Portugal on alert due to wildfires

In a press release, several ministries emphasize that several exceptional measures will be implemented, such as the ban on access, movement and stay in certain forest areas, the ban on burning and incinerating operating waste, and the ban on working in forest areas using any type of machine (except in rural firefighting situations).

Rural work using brush cutters with metal blades or discs, brush cutters, shredders and blade machines is also prohibited. The use of fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices is also prohibited during this period, including those that have already been authorised.

The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) has already started to issue warnings to the population, by SMS, on the danger of rural fires. According to the government, work involving feeding and watering animals, phytosanitary treatment and fertilization, watering, pruning and harvesting agricultural crops are exempt from the bans, provided that they are “essential and urgent and are carried out in irrigated areas or areas without forests, wood or flammable materials, and from which there is no risk of ignition.”

Manual cork extraction and honey extraction are also permitted, provided that they are carried out “without the use of fumigation methods obtained by incandescent materials or heat generators”.

Civil construction works that cannot be postponed are also excluded, provided that measures are adopted to mitigate the risk of rural fires.

The level of operational readiness and response of the National Republican Guard (GNR) and the Public Security Police (PSP) has been increased, with increased resources for surveillance, inspection, patrols and general support for protection and rescue operations that may be carried out.

The level of preparedness of the competent entities in the fields of health and social security has also been increased and the armed forces will make air resources available if necessary, the government added.

The declaration of a state of alert was decreed by the ministers of the Interior, National Defense, Health, Infrastructure and Housing, Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, Environment and Energy, and Agriculture and Fisheries.


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