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Rescue of a hundred animals in : the LPA launches an appeal for help

We need help!“, writes the LPA of , after the rescue of fifty-seven dogs, four cats, twenty-four guinea pigs and fifteen birds in a house in Calais on Friday September 13. The association welcomes these animals, visibly victims of mistreatment, and launches an online kitty to take care of them.

Goal: 7,000 euros

The police, alerted by the incessant barking of the dogs, rescued these animals, which were clearly victims of mistreatment. These fifty-seven dogs, four cats, twenty-four guinea pigs and fifteen birds, were living all under one roofTwo people were arrested and taken into custody.

Considering the conditions in which these animals lived, particular attention is paid to their well-being.“, writes the LPA of Calais, explaining that it is launching “exceptionally“an online kitty to answer this “temporary increase in activity.

The goal of the kitty, set at 7,000 eurosis to take care of the animals' food, their vaccinations, identification, sterilization, and the steps for their adoption. More than a thousand euros have already been collected this Tuesday.

The association also said it would file a complaint against the animals' former owners.


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