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Didier Barbelivien in shock, Bernard Montiel learns of his father’s death live, in the middle of an interview and “doesn’t flinch”

In addition to being a columnist in “Don’t touch my post”Bernard Montiel is also a radio host. The former TF1 star actually works on RFM during the weekends.

But for once, Bernard Montiel put himself in the shoes of a host, he who was invited onto the set of the show hosted by Didier Barbelivien, on Europe 1. Bernard Montiel therefore recounted how he learned of his father’s death in the middle of an interview...

Bernard Montiel learns of his father’s death during an interview

This Monday, September 16, 2024, Bernard Montiel was invited to Bernard Barbelivien’s show on Europe 1. The host looked back on that day when He learned of his father’s death during his work.

“I learned of my father’s death, in the middle of an interview with José Garcia. I received a message saying: ‘Dad is dead’. I received it live like that and I didn’t flinch. I continued the interview and at the end, José said to me: ‘what was the message you received because you still made a funny face?’. I replied that I had just learned of my father’s death.” remembered Bernard Montiel.

“And then he said to me: ‘but did you continue the interview?’. And I replied: ‘Yes! You’re my guest, you’re here, so yes…'”. And Bernard Barbelivien retorted: “I’m not sure that if I learned of the death of a loved one, I would be able to continue the show…”

“It happened! I was surprised myself and I left immediately afterwards for , after the interview. But I wanted to finish the interview out of respect, the artist had moved. (…) Also, I didn’t want to say it, to formulate it directly. Besides, I never spoke about the death of my parents, I find that very intimate.”

Internet users admire

This anecdote has caused a strong reaction among Internet users. : “Respect Bernard for your discretion and your secret garden!”, “Admiration Bernard… People often give away too much of their secret garden that, for me, it becomes a field of maneuver”, “He is absolutely right to protect his privacy, having his secret garden is very soothing”, “I completely agree. Very respectable.”, “Respect. I can understand, it’s personal” can be read as follows.


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