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“The account is not there”, according to farmers who promise action at the show


Clemence Pays

Published on

Sep 16, 2024 at 2:58 PM

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They had already alerted the authorities in June, by going to the Departmental Directorate of Territories and the Sea (DDTM) in Rennes. And they are ready for a new action, this time during the Space, at the Exhibition Center in Bruz.

“One of the battles fought this year concerned the late payment of Agri-Environmental and Climate Measures (MAEC) and organic aid. The payments initially planned for March 2024, promised for June 15, have given way to the frustration”, launches the Young Farmers of Ille-et-Vilaine (JA 35), in a press release.

It's finally in July that the majority of aid was paid, but “the account is still not there”.

An invoice submitted to the administration

So it is to share the feeling of “neglect” felt by farmers that the JA 35 and the FRSEA (Regional Federation of Farmers' Unions) have decided to mobilize through “a symbolic action”, explains to Rennes news Angéli Lebreton, co-president of JA 35.

When representatives of the administrations visited the JA stand, Tuesday, September 17, 2024, At the end of the morning, “we will give them an invoice of the estimated cost of this late payment. It was our treasuries that had to bear this delay,” explains the co-president of JA 35.

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The agricultural union also hopes for the arrival of a minister during the three days of the international livestock fair. At this time, no government announcement has been made to this effect.

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