DayFR Euro

Adrien Rabiot cheered on his arrival at airport this Monday evening

He was long awaited, but he is here. While the landing of his private flight at airport was initially scheduled for a little earlier this Monday at the end of the day, Adrien Rabiot left the general aviation building at 8:45 p.m., at night and in a very warm atmosphere.

Accompanied in particular by his mother Véronique, who manages his interests, the French international midfielder (48 caps, 29 years old), was greeted at the exit of the tarmac by an OM delegation led by Fabrizio Ravanelli.

Some 400 supporters were waiting for him, arriving gradually at the end of the day as the sun was setting around the Étang de Berre. Unanimous on the benefit of Rabiot's arrival, they did not fail to welcome him. Massed behind the barriers and in the presence of a large contingent of the National Police, various security agents and other stewards, they sang songs in praise of OM, Rabiot and against PSG in the lights and smoke of the smoke bombs.

An “improbable” discussion and “constructive exchanges”

With the OM scarf on his shoulders and in a deafening din, he delivered, smiling and after a crowd bath, his first words, evoking the start of a discussion “ unlikely“, then exchanges”constructive with Medhi (Benatia)” who presented the project to him.

To everyone's surprise, Rabiot, who trained at PSG and left Juventus at the end of his contract on June 30, and OM reached an agreement this Sunday after a few days of discussions. The player is about to commit to Olympique for two years, while he must first satisfy the traditional medical examination.


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