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He organizes the 24 Hours of with 14-centimeter cars, “obviously I’m crazy, crazy about small cars”

It’s a first: the 24 Hours of Saverne (Bas-Rhin) will begin this Saturday, September 21. A competition that resembles in every way the 24 Hours of , but with miniature cars. At the head of the race: Xavier Lieffroy. This 63-year-old retiree has been passionate about cars since he was fourteen. Interview.

“It’s a world first, yes, yes!” says Xavier Lieffroy. This retiree is not afraid of words: “It’s quite simple, what I’ve set up doesn’t exist anywhere else, because these are always tracks where cars can’t overtake. Whereas the circuit I’ve prepared is serious, you can overtake! And that changes everything!” The starting signal is at 4 p.m. this Saturday, September 21 for the 24 Hours of Saverne: registration is closed, fifty people are in the starting blocks.

“There are locals, of course, French people who come from further afield, but also Swedes, Belgians, Swiss… and even Spaniards from Barcelona!” It’s quite simple: the 24 Hours of Saverne is exactly like the 24 Hours of Le Mans, but in 1/32nd scale. That is to say, the cars measure… 14 cm. “I supply all the cars, you know, specifies the organizer. And not just any cars. For this competition, there will only be Porsche 997 GT3s. Racing cars, of course!”

Among the teams, and Xavier Lieffroy is keen to point this out, there will be two women’s teams. “They are better than men, he specifies. More focused and what’s more, they calm things down. Here, it’s forbidden to sulk!” The competition will take place in his garage, a place entirely dedicated to his passion for small cars. A passion that has grown considerably over time.


The organizer of the 24 Hours of Saverne has nearly 800 cars in his garage.

© Caroline Moreau / Télévisions

It all started when I was 14 years old. “My cousin had a garage, a real one, a big one, with big and beautiful cars. I quickly spent all my holidays there. It became my world. One day, I met Pierre-Etienne Grobot, a racing driver who was very well-known in the at the time. He took me under his wing and took me to the circuits. I never stopped.”

I suddenly felt completely reverted to childhood!

Xavier Lieffroy, organizer of the 24 hours of Saverne

15 years ago, he fell in love with toy cars. This carpenter by training, now retired, learned that you could have fun in a different way. “I completely fell back into childhood. Suddenly.” Today he has 800 cars. “At more than a hundred euros per machine, it’s definitely starting to add up!”


The circuit set up by the organizer will allow cars to overtake each other.

© Caroline Moreau / France Télévisions

This Saturday, some of these little wonders will be in competition. A circuit lap measures 36 meters, and for the 24 hours of Saverne, they will have to withstand the pressure for… 240,000 laps. A sleepless night for the teams.

“But it doesn’t matterassures Pascal Schramm, one of the participants. We’ll all hold on without any problem. We can’t wait. I had my first circuit when I was seven years old. It never, ever let me down. I spent a crazy amount of time on it, my whole life. It’s become an obsession. I’m all in. I’m really looking forward to this competition.” Smile of Xavier Lieffroy: “It’s going to be the pinnacle, that’s for sure.”. Arrival expected this Sunday, September 22 at 4 p.m.


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