DayFR Euro

European Heritage Days: in the footsteps of Queen Margot

It was in 1606 that Queen Margot bought the estate of Jean de la Haye, the king's goldsmith. She thus created a vast property which, having become the country house of the Saint-Sulpice Seminary in and then the seminary, is now divided up. These days will allow you to rediscover the main and magnificent estates that succeeded it: the Saint-Sulpice Seminary of course, but also the Lorette chapel integrated into the ISEP building and the prestigious Domaine Reine Margot, the former home of the Solitude des séminaristes, entirely renovated under the guidance of the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte. Organ and flute recitals will punctuate these visits, while at the Museum a conference on Queen Margot will be given by the historian Didier Le Fur. Heritage Days are an ideal time to trace the genealogy of a building or a site, but in Issy we will go a little further thanks to two passionate librarians from the Médiathèque des Chartreux who will share their knowledge on the basics of genealogy and illustrate their methodology based on the heritage data provided by the Issy cemetery.

At the other end of the city, the games library will offer an exploration of the national theme of these days, “Heritage of routes, networks and connections & Maritime heritage” through a selection of cooperative games, courses and strategy. Isn't the game a heritage that tells us a lot about how humans from all countries and cultures have met and shared their values, their ideas and the pleasure of being together?

Of course, this 41st edition of the European Heritage Days will not deviate from the previous ones. Throughout Issy-les-Moulineaux, sites, guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, will highlight the heritage of Issy. Check it out. Many other events await you. Children will not be forgotten either since the City, a pioneer in organizing visits to heritage sites for schoolchildren, will offer many guided tours on Friday, September 20 as part of the operation Les Enfants du patrimoine led by the CAUE92.

Heritage Days: Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2024. The full programme of Heritage Days here

Registrations can be made at the Tourist Office located at 62 Rue du Général Leclerc, or by telephone on 01 41 23 87 00.


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