DayFR Euro

The “forced marriage” between future LR allies and Macronists is already creating friction

DECRYPTION – Republicans and members of the Macron camp are testing each other and preparing for a tough agreement, in view of the government that Michel Barnier plans to unveil by September 23. The former majority is warning against an executive dominated by the right.

They still can't believe it. Having failed in the early legislative elections, members of the Macron camp and the Republicans (LR) must now agree to govern. After twelve years in opposition, the right is preparing to return to power. Many had practically buried it, however, with Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, going so far as to be categorical: The LR brand is dead. » With Michel Barnier appointed Prime Minister, the Macronists must resolve to cede some ground to the right.

In what dosage? In the midst of negotiations around the government, each presents himself as essential. With 97 Renaissance deputies, no majority can be written without us »their number one, Gabriel Attal, keeps insisting. With 47 deputies but also 131 senators, ” We are the first group as far as Parliament is concerned. »replies the boss of the right…

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