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The patent reform, a flagship measure of Gabriel Attal’s “clash of knowledge”, is abandoned for 2025


Students in their class at the Auguste-Brizeux college in (Morbihan), September 5, 2024. LOIC VENANCE / AFP

The rules of the brevet will not be modified in 2025. Two months after the defeat of the former majority in the legislative elections and two weeks after the start of the school year, the Ministry of Education finally decided on Monday, September 16, to abandon the project to make the exam compulsory for moving on to the second year and to modify the conditions for obtaining it from the next session. “The assessment cannot change during the year, this would have been possible at the very beginning of the school year but not now”it is argued in the entourage of the resigning minister, Nicole Belloubet.

During her back-to-school press conference on August 27, the latter still assured that some of the texts were “ready” and that the ministry should “to be able to ensure its publication” at the end of the current affairs management period, “so that they can come into force for the 2025 patent”. However, they were not included on the agenda of the Higher Education Council of September 5, nor on that of the 12th. The next meeting of this body, which must examine the texts, will not take place until October 10, too late to consider modifying an exam that 3rd grade studentse will pass in a few months.

“Knowing whether the brevet is compulsory or not changes everything; taking into account the averages of the year instead of assessing skills as is the case today is not the same thing and cannot be changed during the year.”explains Audrey Chanonat, college principal and national secretary of SNPDEN-UNSA.

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The overhaul of the first school exam was one of the flagship measures of the “clash of knowledge”, announced by Gabriel Attal, then head of national education, on December 5, 2023. Denouncing a “lowering of the level of demand”he had chosen to break with the history of this 76-year-old exam to make its success a condition of entry to high school from 2025 – a measure also defended by the right and the far right. “A meaningful exam is an exam that has consequences”argued the man who now sits in the National Assembly after having been Prime Minister from January to September 2024.

A project “frozen at this stage”

The procedures for obtaining the brevet also had to be reviewed to give more weight to the final tests (60%) than to the continuous assessment (40%), which are currently counted in equal parts. Finally, the continuous assessment scale had to be reviewed to be based not on the mastery of the common core of knowledge, skills and culture, but on the averages obtained throughout the year.

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