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“I wanted to overcome imposter syndrome”

Starting this Monday, September 16, TF1 is broadcasting the series Brocéliande. In this inspired thriller, Nolwenn Leroy makes her debut as an actress and has agreed to share with us this first experience in front of the cameras.

Since 2002 and her victory at the Star Academy, Nolwenn Leroy has been part of the French television landscape… as a singer! For the series “Broceliande” on TF1, we discover her today as an actress. And what could be better than a thriller filmed in this mystical forest of Ile-et-Vilaine for this proud Breton? She plays the role of the biologist Fanny Legoffwho had dropped out of college after being suspected of disappearance of her best friend LauraTwenty years later, a billhook covered in dried blood and a letter accusing her again of being responsible push her to return to the scene of the tragedy to try to understand what happened.

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If her intentions are good, the heroine played by Nolwenn faces a new tragedy because one of her students disappears again, while she is once again the last person to have seen her alive. Tinted with Breton mythologythis investigation into the heart of this magical place is a success and will delight fans of the saga, starting this Monday, September 16 on TF1. Aufeminin had the chance to collect the words of the singer and now actress, who confides in complete transparency about this first experience.

AUFEMININ. This role in Brocéliande is your first as an actress. Was it a long-standing desire to work in cinema?

Nolwenn Leroy. It's always been a dream, but I'm not the type to provoke things. I'm not a careerist and I didn't try to force meetings. I've never been overconfident and I like to believe that things happen when they're meant to happen. I had already received a few offers, but music was taking up a lot of space in my life. I had to find the right timing to prepare for it seriously. I wanted the project to come at the right time and with the right people, and that's what happened. When this opportunity came along, it was a big “yes”!

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How did the project come to fruition with TF1?

I had expressed my desire to do fiction. Dominique Farrugia and Juliette Hayat approached me, and I immediately liked the script. When I read it, it reminded me of formats that I used to watch with my grandmother. There was intense suspense, with this young woman in search of the truth, trying to resolve a question that had haunted her life. Often, novices are offered roles as police officers or investigators, so the fact that the character is a biologist also interested me, because it allowed for a wider range of emotions.

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The public has known you for 20 years, how did you experience this transition to comedy?

It was a challenge, because people have a hard time seeing me as anything other than a singer. But I think that challenge is now behind me. We live in a society where those who dare are those who end up succeeding. I wanted to overcome this imposter syndrome and at this stage of my life, I say to myself: “Why not? What are the risks?” I have often doubted, but you have to dare and go for it when you feel ready. Being a mother has also pushed me to get out of my comfort zone. These are the values ​​that I want to pass on to my child: go for it 100%. And then, I find that there is a real correspondence between music and comedy: in both cases, we tell a story.

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How did you prepare for this role? Did you take acting classes?

I stopped focusing exclusively on music after my album “La Cavale”. I took classes with acting coaches to prepare for several months. I really wanted to immerse myself in the role and give myself time to prepare well. It's a lot of work.

The series is a thriller. Are there other genres you would like to explore?

I'm often seen as a mysterious, somewhat tortured and gothic person. But those who know me know that I'm also very light-hearted. I'd love to be in a romantic comedy or a period film. I think that would be great!

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How did you manage filming while maintaining a balance with your family life?

is not very far from , so I could go home on Friday night after my last scene. It was important for me not to be too far from my son Marin. It was shorter than a musical tour, but there were no days off between two scenes like I can have between two concerts. I had never been away for so long, but he knew I would come back, so he wasn't anxious. He liked to imagine me filming: “Mom's going to film in the forest,” he would say. I found it adorable and in the end, I had a harder time than him accepting the separation (laughs).

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Finally, do you have a memory or a funny anecdote to tell us about the filming?

Every morning, with Marie-Anne Chazel, since we slept in Rennes, we made the journey together to Brocéliande. It was a moment of decompression before entering into our roles… So much so that we even had our patches under our eyes to reduce the bags! People who passed us in the street wondered more than once what we were doing! It was a good way to start the day. (Laughs)

Brocéliande, to be found from Monday September 16 at 9:05 p.m. on TF1.


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