DayFR Euro

“Olivier Létang is the boss, he has the right to say what's on his mind” (Champions League)

What reaction do you expect from your team after this Friday evening?
I have a bit of experience in the Champions League, I had the chance to play it with . Before playing Manchester City with OL, we lost in (0-1)we were rubbish, we played a disastrous game. I remember the next day the predictions of journalists, fans, all the people who knew football who bet on the minute at which we would concede the first goal. They also tried to find the number of goals we would concede, some said 5, 6, sometimes more. In the end, we won 2-1.

I'm not saying that's what's going to happen tomorrow. (Tuesday)I'm just saying that's how football is. The weakest team can beat the strongest. Friday's result can be completely contradicted on Tuesday and so on. I expect my players to show their face, their qualities, what a team we are capable of being, and then let the best win. I'm not in the habit of making excuses, we've had a lot of problems recently, but I trust my group, my players, to raise their heads and show a completely different face than the one we showed on Friday.


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