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INTERVIEW. TFC: “Luck is following me” explains striker Shavy Babicka

the essential
Supersub. With 3 goals in 3 appearances off the bench, Gabonese winger (11 caps, 2 goals) Shavy Babicka, 24, is the striker we didn’t expect on the banks of the Garonne. Tac for tac with the winter recruit, who arrived on tiptoe but is starting to show his face, after he paved the way for TEFEC success on Sunday, September 15, at the Stadium, as part of the fourth day of the French Championship: 2-0 against .

Shavy, tell us about the goal that unlocked the match (1-0, 70th)…
There is nothing special to say (smile). It’s a match action, I make the call and then there it is, it ends up in the back of the net!

The angle is not that wide?
I admit. But on the video we had seen how the goalkeeper behaved; so, before taking the ball I already knew that it was going to come out. I just made the right move. In reality, I scrutinized the movement of the goalkeeper and I tried – delicately – to take a good volley.

First, we had to catch the fleeing ball!
My job is to run, so we run (laughs).

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You could even have scored twice with this offering from Gboho (76th)…
I can do better. I hit it hard, it was on the keeper.

A prolific week since you also scored for the national team against the Central African Republic in CAN qualifying.
Yeah, I’m so happy… Luck is following me, it seems; I hope it continues for as long as possible.

Exactly, how do you judge your start to the season?
During the summer, I said to myself: “This year, I have no excuses.” I had enough time to adapt to Ligue 1. I always try to give my best.

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TFC – Le Havre: Restes’ save, Babicka’s lob and Gboho’s skylight… Discover the notes of the Toulouse team’s victory

Can we expect more from you?
Everything that is happening is already thanks to God. But I still have many things to accomplish.

Speed ​​is your strong point, right?
Yes. I’m not a very good finisher at the start. – he laughs ; now I’m doing everything to apply myself because I need that as a striker.

In any case, you are a serial scorer: 3 goals in as many matches!
The trust is there. Before going in, the staff keeps telling me: “You know what you have to do.”

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REPLAY. TFC-Le Havre: Toulouse wins at home and records its first success of the season in Ligue 1! Relive the match live

Not frustrated, all the same, to start on the bench every match?
Not at all. These are the coach’s choices, he knows why he doesn’t let me start. In life, you have to be patient: each person has their turn. It gives you more hunger… And we keep working.

Your goal record?
(he thinks) Eight in the championship [avec l’Aris Limassol, en D1 chypriote, exercice 2022-2023]The goal is to beat him.

In addition, you always register great achievements…
The one in in February (brushed from the left), I remember it as if it were yesterday (he looks up).

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TFC: success hoped for and medalists honored, this Sunday, on the occasion of the reception of Le Havre

From a more collective point of view, this victory feels great, we imagine…
Naturally, it was a huge sigh in the locker room. Especially since in the first, it didn’t go as we wanted. We hadn’t won since the beginning. The supporters, however, still came in numbers.

There was a cheer from the fans when you came back.
Honestly, it warms the heart. After having the confidence of your teammates, of the coach, you still have the public who pushes you. You want to create something to convey this emotion. Clearly.

With Dallinga gone, is your status changing?
I’m not the leader of the attack. That’s Yann (Gboho). I just try to contribute as much as I can.


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