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a robbery carried out using El Mordjene spread

The scene seems surreal, yet it reflects the madness surrounding a product that has become as precious as it is elusive: El Mordjene spread. This Algerian specialty, known for its unique flavor, has stormed the shelves of French grocery stores in recent months, before being banned from import into Europe. A series of unexpected events has led to a shortage, to the point where it has become the object of all desires, even of criminals.

It all started a few months ago, when the El Mordjene spread, until then a simple grocery product, was propelled into the spotlight thanks to social networks. It quickly won over lovers of sweet treats, both for its taste and for its Algerian origin, which evokes a feeling of nostalgia and authenticity in many. However, this rise in popularity was abruptly halted by the ban on importing the product into Europe, due to its composition of dairy products that do not comply with European standards. As a direct consequence, entire shipments of this spread were blocked at the port of , leading to a surge in prices and a rush on the last available pots.

The pot, which cost only a few euros in Algeria, quickly saw its price explode, reaching more than €12 on the French black market. A dizzying increase that pushed some traders to try everything to restock, even at the risk of falling into traps.

The story takes a worrying turn on Friday evening in the Valbarelle district, located in the 11th arrondissement of Marseille. A shopkeeper, desperate over the shortage of jars of El Mordjene paste, thought he had found a solution by responding to an online ad promising a large stock of this much sought-after product. Seizing the opportunity, he dispatches one of his employees, a 27-year-old man, to finalize the transaction.

But the operation quickly turns into a nightmare. The employee goes to the address indicated, armed with several thousand euros in cash, ready to buy the supposed stock. However, as soon as he arrives at the scene, he is taken to the upper floors of a building where he finds himself facing armed criminals. The latter, after threatening him with a handgun, rob him of his money before letting him leave without a single box of spread.

Following this attack, an investigation was immediately opened by the Marseille police. The Territorial Crime Division (DCT) was tasked with finding the perpetrators of this unusual robbery. Although the attack is worrying, it above all reveals the scale that a simple food product can take when it becomes a rarity. While most consumers are content to look for the precious jar in the aisles of their local grocery stores, some do not hesitate to brave all dangers to obtain this spread which, in the space of a few months, has acquired an almost mythical aura.

The ban on El Mordjene paste in Europe also raises questions about the impact of certain trade regulations on local markets. Although justified by concerns about compliance with European health standards, this decision has led to unintended effects, such as soaring prices, illegal purchases, and now, criminal acts.

As police continue their investigations, this incident shows how a seemingly innocuous product can become the catalyst for a series of unusual events. In any case, it is likely that this mishap in Marseille is just another chapter in the history of the famous El Mordjene spread. It remains to be seen whether this temporary ban will lead to the product’s definitive disappearance from European shelves, or whether it will prompt an adaptation of its recipe to meet current standards.

Read also:

Can El Mordjene paste be transported in your luggage on a plane? Customs answers

Free distribution of El Mordjene spread in : the scene goes viral

Thunderbolt: bans imports of El Mordjene spread

El Mordjene spread banned in France: Algerians fight back


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