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UNDER THE INFLUENCE – Jennifer discusses the dangers of spirituality: “I wanted to take control of my life”

Olivier Delacroix
SEASON 2024 – 202505:00, September 17, 2024

Olivier Delacroix meets Jennifer. This 28-year-old woman has thrown herself headlong into personal development and esotericism to relieve her anxiety. She agreed to share her story in this episode of the podcast “Dans les yeux d’Olivier” produced by Europe 1 Studio. In 2017, Jennifer had just finished her architecture studies. But little by little, the young woman suffered from major anxiety attacks whose origins she did not understand. To get out of it, Jennifer wanted a quick method. She then turned to the “New Age” philosophy: a movement based on spirituality, personal development or even witchcraft. A movement that sometimes carried sectarian excesses and was fond of large sums of money. Jennifer then multiplied esoteric courses and energy massages. She thus convinced herself of the possibility of self-healing and spent at that time up to 300 euros per month to get better. But in reality, the young graduate is in the midst of depression and her dark thoughts continue to get worse. Distraught, she decides to go to the emergency room to ask for help…

Jennifer agreed to share her story in this episode of the podcast “Dans les yeux d’Olivier”, produced by Europe 1 Studio.


Presentation: Olivier Delacroix

Production and writing: Raphaëlle Mariatte

Directed by: Christophe Daviaud

Promotion and distribution: Marie Corpet

Graphics: Cosa Vostra


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