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Mimi, we haven’t forgotten your fabrications from yesterday! (By Alassane K. KITANE)

You are one of those who sank Macky’s ship with your warmongering madness and your morbid Manichaeism.

You told us that your government had recovered 200 billion in the hunt for ill-gotten gains: the National Assembly denied you.

You are the one who led the Benno list in the last legislative elections and you are the one who comes to talk to us about the quality of the parliamentarians (assembly of dishonor, you say?)

It was you who declared urbi et orbi that the list you headed was largely in the majority: the Constitutional Council proclaimed results that contradicted you. Today you doubt the sincerity of the vote that elected this parliament: how decent of you.

You said that Sonko is exploiting the youth as an insurrectional shield! It is you who has become his political servant.

You should never have been PM in this country: the budget orientation debate (DOB) has two philosophical foundations: the requirement for transparency and that of participation. We explain to the Assembly how we want to use budgetary resources and, in return, we receive from the Assembly the inputs (participation) or amendments that the representatives of the people intend to make to the orientation of the budget. In a country like , all municipalities are required to have a DOB. Stop your fabrications and other Jaay gràaw on concepts.

According to you, your former comrades do not know friendship and sincerity in relationships (oh yes?): this is what we call self-portrait!!!
Macky Sall’s ministers had no competence and there are some whose baccalaureate diploma is doubtful, you say: and you whose doctorate was publicly, and in writing, refuted by Ibrahima Sadikh Ndour?

You claim that this Assembly is the worst of all: you forgot that it was the two men with whom you worked (Macky yesterday and Sonko today) who drew up these lists. Ironically, the national list of Benno’s substitutes (and the departmental one) and the (national) list of Yaw’s incumbents were invalidated. You led the list of Benno’s cream (on arrival you say that they are the scum); Sonko drew up the list of Yaw’s substitutes (on arrival, deputies from the proportional representation and the majority list climbed on tables, confiscated the ballot box or kicked a pregnant woman).
In reality your word is not worth much to men of reason.


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