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two weeks after the floods Burgundy, the difficult start to the camping season

The floods early April in Burgundy caused significant damage in the region, particularly in certain campsites along the Yonne rivers. A new hard blow for establishments, after a first episode of flooding in March which had already wreaked havoc.

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They left traces. Two weeks after the historic floods which hit Burgundy, the damage is still clearly visible. As in (Côte-d’Or), where the Ouche damaged numerous infrastructures, for example the campsite: the gate was even torn off by the flow of the river.

In Chablis (Yonne), the Serein reached levels not seen in years… also flooding the municipal campsite there, for the second time since the start of the year. “Two floods one after the other, three weeks apart, it was a lot for our campsite“, sighs the mayor of the city, Marie-José Vaillant. “It was necessary to carry out work after the flood in March, again – and much more important – after that of April… It is a certain financial loss.


A third of the Tonnerre campsite (Yonne) is still inaccessible, two weeks after the floods in Burgundy.


Since the floods in April, the campsite has still been closed. If the hope is to reopen it for the weekend of May 1st, the work looks impressive. “We will have to backfill everything, put back the places that have gone with the water… and the land will be dried out”continues the elected official. “Otherwise, it’s absolutely impossible to get in.” Expected cost of the operation: 20,000 euros.

The Tonnerre campsite, about twenty kilometers away, was able to reopen on April 12. Without resuming normal operation: the occupancy rate is still only 6%. Furthermore, a third of the site is still inaccessible, a consequence of the overflowing of the Armançon (which reached more than two meters high on April 2).

► ALSO READ – IN PICTURES. Floods in Burgundy: here are the photos seen from the sky of Tonnerre feet in the water

Part of the electrical system burned out with the flood“, explains Thomas Langaret, manager of the establishment. “The earth is also too loose in places. All of this means additional expenses that were not planned. And we fell behind with all the organization, the ‘de-wintering’ of the premises, the setting up of garden tables…


The proximity of Armançon to the Tonnerre campsite caused damage during the floods of April 2024.


Unforeseen events which led to the cancellation of several spring break reservations. “People who were booking their vacation a few weeks ago, when they saw the news, said to themselves that they were going to book elsewhere because they didn’t know how long it was going to last. It starts again very timidly.

As a reminder, the four departments of Burgundy were affected by this episode of flooding, caused in particular by heavy rainfall in the previous days. Other campsites were affected, for example near Brienon-sur-Armançon, as well as the Lac Kir campsite in Dijon.

► If you yourself have been a victim of the floods, you can find the procedure to follow in this article to receive compensation.


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