DayFR Euro

Donald defies judges and calls conspiracy in New York

“The trial of all dangers for Donald .” And can we add: “Trump the candidate of all dangers for global political stability”. of the biggest risks of a possible re-election, far from being certain whatever some people think, is his true and constant submission to Putin since the start of his first term, a number of facts undeniably demonstrating this. And it is appropriate to recall here some indisputable historical facts. The pinnacle in this regard having been reached during the Helsinki summit in 2017 where he did not hesitate, in a very serious and unprecedented manner, to publicly discredit and in front of a mocking Putin his own American intelligence services which, at the end in-depth investigations, had alerted him to their conclusions attesting to undeniable Russian interference during the 2016 election. “I have every reason to believe more Mr. Putin who denies this interference rather than my own services of information”. Total consternation in the American delegation and among the journalists. And for good reason: never before has an American president in office discredited the CIA and the FBI to this extent for the benefit of a foreign power. And we must remember that prior to this press conference the two heads of state had isolated themselves for a very long time, without absolutely any witnesses apart from the presence of the two interpreters, and that no report has ever been given. been published regarding the content of this unprecedented episode. And it should be added that on January 10, 2017, the day before his inauguration, Trump had been briefed by the directors of the intelligence agencies that the Russians would have a “Kompromat” against him, that is to say very compromising documents. for his reputation. The origin of this compromising file found its Source in 2013 in Moscow in the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel with the now famous episode of the “Golden shower”… And therefore effectively this submission to a Putin who dominates him, and who finds particularly in speaking out on the Ukrainian issue, exposes our democracies to very serious risks of seeing Russian blackmail bear ample fruit…


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