Thomas Ruyant (Vulnerable) and Justine Mettraux (Teamwork – Team Snef), first woman in this 10th edition, were expected, respectively in 7th and 8th position, last night in Les Sables d’Olonne.
“I put the handbrake on”
Due to poor weather conditions, race management installed a second finish line 4 miles off the historic line. “When the conditions are too degraded, that is to say too much sea as is the case at the moment, we can activate this gate as a finish line. This is the “bad weather” gate, explains Jacques Caraës, member of the race management.
With his mainsail repaired but tired, Sam Goodchild (Vulnerable) is expected this Saturday morning in Les Sables d’Olonne.
Behind, 1,200 miles from the finish, Sam Davies (Initiatives Cœur) decided to slow down in order to let the bad weather pass. “I put the handbrake on,” she said. A depression will sweep across the Bay of Biscay from Sunday. “Forecasts show there could be 40 to 50 knots of wind. So close to the coast it is very dangerous. »