This Monday, January 20, viewers said goodbye to the Julie de Bona-Grégory Fitoussi duo, main actors in the mini-series “Erica”, broadcast for three weeks on TF1. This Franco-Swedish production, adapted from the thrillers of the successful novelist Camilla Läckberg, each time ranked as the largest audience leader during its three evenings of broadcast. On average and in monitoring audience, episodes 5 and 6, the last ones, aroused the interest of 3.72 million followers, which represented 20.8% of the public and 23.3% of women responsible for purchases aged under 50 (FRDA-50), priority target of the front page.
If the final episodes allowed the channel to top the audience in front of the portraits of farmers in the next season of “L’amour est dans le pré” on M6 and the France 2 mini-series “Rivages”, this evening was the least attended of the three. Broadcast from 10:05 p.m. to 11:04 p.m., the 6th and final episode is the one that attracted the fewest linear viewers. 3.51 million fans attended the outcome of the detective series, or 21.6% of the public and 25.4% of the FRDA-50. Conversely, it was the pilot, broadcast at 9:10 p.m. Monday January 6, which attracted the most curious people. 4.14 million viewers, or 21.3% of the public watching their television and 29.3% of the FRDA-50, responded.
On average and in watch audiences, the 6 episodes brought together 3,81 millions faithful, or 21,7% of the public and 26,4% FRDA-50s. According to TF1, the first evening was caught by 1.1 million people on TF1+ on D+7. Episodes 3 and 4 had a cumulative gain of 900,000 viewers over the same period. At the start of the season, the mini-series “Brocéliande”, a back-to-school saga led by Nolwenn Leroy, had done better on the indicators relating to the entire public: the six episodes had intrigued on average and in watch audience 4, 40 million viewers (23.9% of the public aged 4 and over and 24.9% of FRDA-50).
-A season 2 in sight?
The results nevertheless remain very correct for fiction featuring a writer who returns to her hometown (Julie de Bona), who discovers the body of her childhood friend and begins to investigate with Captain Patrick Saab (Grégory Fitoussi). Will the satisfactory audiences push TF1 to sign for a season 2? According to our colleagues from “Télé-Loisirs”, a sequel “is, as usual, already in writing“, even if the front page has not yet announced anything. Another element going in this direction, the end of the first season leaves a mystery unresolved… A new case to solve for Erica Faure and her commander?