A black Friday for motorists using the RN31. On January 17, a heavy goods vehicle overturned near Therdonne, near Beauvais, creating real road chaos early in the morning. A second incident deepened the crisis, making the roadway almost impassable on this essential route.
Several kilometers of traffic jams around Therdonne
This morning of January 17, 2025the RN31, between Beauvais and Clermont, has turned into a nightmare for drivers. Towards the early hours of the day, a truck overturned on the roadway, blocking traffic in the direction Beauvais-Clermont. The accident occurred at the height of Therdonnebetween the A16 roundabout and the Wagicourt exit.
The consequences did not take long to be felt. A traffic at a standstill was quickly reported, causing several kilometers of traffic jams on this strategic axis.
A second accident makes the situation worse
Barely an hour later, 8 h 20another incident worsened the crisis on the same road. Up to Clermontand material accident involving a single vehicle disrupted traffic at the junction with the RD1016. This region, already put under pressure by the first accident, saw traffic conditions deteriorate further.
Authorities are working hard to clear the lanes, while motorists are urged to take alternative routes.
-Issues for traffic and safety
THE serial accidents on major axes such as the RN31 once again raise the question of the security and fluidity of the road network. If the overturned truck is the cause of most of the slowdowns, the secondary accident also illustrates the risks linked to the traffic concentration in the event of a major incident.
The restoration of traffic should take several more hours, according to initial information. Waiting for, prudence remains the key word for drivers who must take this route.
In summary
This Friday, January 17, 2025 will remain marked by a complicated morning for users of the RN31, between Therdonne and Clermont. The situation once again reminds us of the importance of vigilance, on roads where the slightest event can quickly lead to a real road paralysis.
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