Les Grignoux – Cinémas Le Parc – Churchill – Sauvenière – Caméo Lynch: The strange journey comes to an end – Lynch: The strange journey comes to an end
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Yesterday, the curtain came down on one of cinema’s greatest dreamers. DAVID LYNCH was at the origin of the “cinephilia” of many of us at Grignoux, starting with Michel Condé (Lynch was his favorite director) or the late Jean-Pierre Pécasse (who even managed to acquire two original graphic works by director, at the Locarno festival!). Eraserhead was one of the first film phenomena of the Parc cinema. In all our rooms, we shivered alongsideElephant Mantrembled in the blue shadows of Blue Velvettraveled the incandescent roads of Sailor et Lula or those, even more sinuous, of Mulholland Drive. The latter was on the front page of The Unpublished in 2001 (illustration) and was put back in the spotlight on our screens in December 2022. There is no doubt that others will be one day. The road never quite ends, as Lynch himself taught us…” It’s a strange world, isn’t it? “We salute the work of this architect of the strange who we will miss.
The Grignoux.
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