From Jean-Pierre Maugendre:
Is Jean-Marie Le Pen’s call to God the chilling symbol of the end of a world, the final nail in the coffin of our civilization or the last snub of a free man in the face? of right-thinking in disarray?
A passionate lover of France
Coming from a working-class background, ward of the Nation at 14, volunteered in Indochina and Algeria in one of the most prestigious units of the French army: the paratroopers of the Foreign Legion, this son of a fisherman from The Trinity at Sea bore witness, through its mere existence and its speech, to a society that has now disappeared. A world in which the pink spots of the French Colonial Empire on the world map made adventure-loving little boys dream. A world in which the words France, honor, duty, family, homeland, loyalty, nation were not just oratorical effects of electoral rallies, brought back into the spotlight by candidate Nicolas Sarkozy during his 2007 electoral campaign. world in which we encountered more Marys and Pierres in the streets of our country than Fatimas or Mohameds. An indisputable reality as demonstrated by the recent work of Jérôme Fourquet in “ Metamorphoses fFrench “. A world, finally, marked by a Christianity which regulated morals and reminded man that he was, here on earth, only passing through.
It is ” this ancient world » according to the beautiful expression of Patrick Buisson that Jean-Marie Le Pen was committed to defending. Over time, served by an undeniable oratorical talent and an immense culture, he had become the “ tribune of the people “. This son of the people who had felt, before many others, that the disappearance of the French people, of essentially Gallic and Celtic origin, of Christian culture, was on the agenda of the proponents of a stateless globalism for whom each person, reduced to their condition of an individual, was no more than a unit of production or consumption. Against the proponents of a libertarian conception of human rights who conceive all sexual, familial, national, linguistic determinism… as an attack on unlimited human freedom, he recalled the role of natural communities, protectors of the weakest, in which civic and family virtues flourish, the fruit of a political friendship which is only possible in a shared conception of the True, the Beautiful and the Good. Finally, in these times when fashion was on a clean slate Jean-Marie Le Pen in his public meetings and especially during the annual BBR (Bleu-Blanc-Rouge) festival shared with immense and enthusiastic crowds his passionate love of France, its history, its land, its people. He sang, with lyricism and ardor, the great times of a nation, bruised, which did not want to die. It went against the Credo of the pseudo globalized elites who had adopted the observation of Bernard-Henri Lévy, the darling of the media and the advisor to princes (Mitterrand, Hollande, Sarkozy): “ Of course, we are resolutely cosmopolitan. Of course, everything that is local, beret, stuffed, binious, in short, “franhouillard” or cockardier, is foreign to us, even odious.”
Steeped in Greco-Roman culture and Catholic tradition, Jean-Marie Le Pen did not believe he was obliged to reduce his speech to the level of that of a reality TV show host but, on the contrary, he led his audience to the following the heroes and saints who made our history and cited extensively the authors who best illustrated the singular genius of the French language.
The ironies of history
Jean-Marie Le Pen, because he was a free man, as a Breton and as a sailor, was for decades the pariah of French political life, the scapegoat for all our ills. He was castigated for anti-Semitism which he always defended himself even when the unfortunate words had been extracted from him after harassment carried out by journalists eager to extract them from him. He was, thus, the most famous victim of the liberticidal Gayssot-Rocard-Pleven memorial laws which resolve, by legislative means, historical facts under the guise of anti-racism. Ironically, it was on the very day that the France that is Charlie celebrated freedom of expression that those who believed they could use, without limits, this same freedom were called back to God. According to the well-known Orwellian adage inspired by Animal Farm : « All crimes against humanity are equal but some are more equal than others.” Concerning the anti-Semitism attributed to Jean-Marie Le Pen, it is today recognized that the anti-Semitic desecration of the Jewish cemetery of Carpentras turned out to be an abominable act in which neither Jean-Marie Le Pen nor the National Front were involved. cause. The facts do not matter: the demonstration of May 14, 1990 allowed the President of the Republic, François Mitterrand, to gather around him the true republicans faced with the rise of widely fantasized anti-Semitism. A model of Jean-Marie Le Pen, impaled, was then present at the heart of the demonstration without anyone finding fault. Another irony of history: the Jewish community of France, whose leaders have always been at the forefront of the political fight against Jean-Marie Le Pen, are today the first victims of uncontrolled Arab-Muslim immigration to which the main opponent was… Jean-Marie Le Pen. A tragic reality that Serge Klarsfeld must have agreed with. A similar fate befell the Conservative MP and former minister, Enoch Powell, then considered a possible future prime minister of Great Britain. Having warned in a speech of April 20, 1968, said of “ rivers of blood », on immigration from the Commonwealth which risked overwhelming the United Kingdom, he was immediately condemned to vilification, ostracized, marginalized. His career ended there. The recent media coverage of mass rapes of young white English women from the working classes by gangs of Pakistanis in Great Britain since the 1990s unfortunately justifies the fears of the former British MP. It is sometimes cruel to be right too soon and the role of Cassandra is hardly comfortable!
Gather in the service of France
Although he was a passionate lover of France, looking to the future, Jean-Marie Le Pen always sought to cauterize the wounds of history. In a country which has not always been sparing of civil wars, open or latent, and this particularly in recent decades (period 39-45, end of French Algeria) the founder of the National Front had endeavored to bring together those who, driven by the same love of France, had made different, even antagonistic, specific choices. Thus found themselves in the FN the former collaborationist RNP (Rassemblement National Populaire) activist Roland Gaucher, the former militiaman François Brigneau and the Companion of the Liberation Michel de Camaret. Driven by the same anxiety for the Homeland, they agreed in the observation that: “The blood that has flowed is never anything other than pure blood, And here it is mixed with the blood of the adversaries » (Poems of Fresnes). Throughout time, the leftist and iconoclastic thugs who danced on the corpse of Jean-Marie Le Pen on the evening of January 7 were well in line with their revolutionary ancestor, the deputy Antoine Barnave, questioning himself in the Assembly after the assassination , in July 1789, from the intendant Foulon and his son-in-law Berthier de Sauvigny: “ Was this blood so pure? ».
-Finally, almost alone, with his adversary Michel Debré and the demographers Alfred Sauvy and Jacques Dupaquier, this only son had early discerned that the earth belongs to the living and that it was illusory to believe that prosperous areas with low demographic pressure could sustainably cope. to deprived areas with high demographic pressure. An authentic demographic surge seemed to him the necessary condition for the sustainability of France. “ Be happy parents » he said, with a certain truculence, to young people from the FNJ (National Youth Front) gathered for their summer school. Having suffered in his flesh and his affections from the horrors of war, he knew that international relations are not made of good feelings but of power struggles. The injunctions “ You won’t have my hatred » and bouquets of flowers are as effective against Islamist terrorism as a poultice on a wooden leg! On all these subjects, which were taboo for a long time, awareness seems to be growing: some seem to remember that history is tragic, that the peace of societies is always unstable. Nations claim the right to remain masters of their destiny. Migration issues are in the news every day.
If he was not a giant frog, Jean-Marie Le Pen had put the defense of Christian civilization at the heart of his political struggle as he believed that Catholicism was inseparable from the identity of France. Endowed by nature with extraordinary energy and intelligence, the former officer of the 1st REP has now appeared before the righteous Judge who alone probes the kidneys and hearts. We hope that he will find another great Frenchman up there who summed up his fights for the France of Lady Jeanne and Messire St Michel as follows:
Lord, put me to sleep in your sure peace
Between the arms of Hope and Love.
This old soldier’s heart has never known hatred
And for your only true goods beat without return.
(Charles Maurras, Ending Prayer)
Jean-Pierre Maugendre
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