ARTA – Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, revealed that he asked for clarification and directly questioned the President’s Special Envoy for Young Generation Affairs and Works of Art, Raffi Ahmad, on a viral incident related to the patrol and escort (patwal) of the Indonesian official car 36 cured by the police.
Dasco explained that the official Indonesian car 36 which was checked was actually empty and only carried a file belonging to Raffi Ahmad which would be used to participate in the next meeting.
“So, first, I asked if the vehicle had been used to take Raffi back from one activity to another, because in this activity he had gone with his colleague. So in the car there was only one file,” said Dasco after receiving a visit from Raffi Ahmad at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, January 13.
Dasco also revealed that the Technical Committee of the House of Representatives looked into the incident by contacting the Korlantas Police. It turns out, Dasco said, the escort happened because of a dispute between the taxi driver and the truck driver that caused the congestion.
“It turns out that when driving wants to cross another vehicle, there was an argument between taxi drivers and truck drivers. The police then reprimanded and publicized so that there was no commotion and congestion,” Dasco explained.
-Concerning the question of whether there was a need for an escort even if the official car did not carry passengers, Dasco explained that the escort is always within the scope of the needs of the officials who own the official car.
“It’s in terms of bringing the person concerned back into other activities to go elsewhere, that’s true,” he added.
f Dasco revealed that he did not reprimand Raffi Ahmad because it was not his authority.
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