here is what age to say “yes” according to science

here is what age to say “yes” according to science
here is what age to say “yes” according to science
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The big day is approaching, the alliances are chosen, the place is reserved.

But deep down, have you really chosen the right time to take the plunge?

The question of the ideal age to get married torments many couples.

If love cannot be controlled, science has its say on the subject.

Dive into the studies and figures that try to unravel the mystery of the perfect timing to say “yes”.

The evolution of age at marriage: a trend which is confirmed

Gone are the days when we got married barely out of adolescence. In , as in most Western countries, the average age of first marriage has continued to rise over the decades. The numbers speak for themselves:

  • In 1970: 24 years for women, 27 years for men
  • In 2020: 31 years for women, 33 years for men

This spectacular development can be explained by several major societal factors:

  • L’emancipation of womenwhich disrupted traditional patterns
  • L’widespread access to higher educationdelaying entry into working life
  • The change in family valueswith a more individualistic vision of personal development

These profound transformations in society have redefined expectations regarding marriage and its ideal timing.

The unsuspected advantages of a late marriage

If recent sociological studies are anything to go by, waiting a few more years before tying the knot could well be the key to a stronger union. Several reasons explain this phenomenon:

Better self-knowledge

With age comes wisdom, they say. In the case of marriage, this adage seems to be true. People who marry later generally have:

  • A better defined identity
  • Of the clearer life values ​​and goals
  • A better understanding of their needs and limitations

An established career

Getting married after having laid the foundations for your professional life has several advantages:

  • A increased financial stability
  • Less stress related to job searching or career changes
  • The possibility of projecting oneself more serenely into the future

Realistic expectations

The experience acquired over the course of relationships allows us to:

  • Better understand what we expect from a partner
  • Have a more pragmatic vision of life together
  • Avoid the disillusionment linked to an idealized image of marriage

The brain and love: a coming of age story

Science does not stop at sociology to explore the ideal age of marriage. Psychology and neuroscience shed fascinating light on the issue.

Brain development, the key to marital success?

Did you know that our brains continue to develop well after adolescence? In fact, the prefrontal cortex, the seat of our executive functions, only reaches its full maturity around the age of 25. This brain area is crucial for:

  • The decision making
  • The impulse control
  • The long term planning

These are all essential skills for navigating the sometimes tumultuous waters of marriage.

Emotional maturity, a major asset

Alongside brain development, emotional maturity is gradually built during the twenties. It is characterized by:

  • A better emotion management
  • A bigger empathy
  • Of the communication skills more developed

These qualities are all assets for building a stable and fulfilling relationship over the long term.

The numbers speak: what is really the ideal age?

If we rely on statistics, it seems that there is indeed an “ideal window” for getting married. Here is what studies tell us on the subject:

The risk of divorce by age

Research has shown that:

  • The risk of divorce gradually decreases until the age of 32
  • After age 32, this risk begins to increase slightly

This U-shaped curve suggests that there is a “sweet spot” for maximizing the chances of a successful marriage.

The optimal age range

Other studies point to a more precise age range:

  • Married couples between 25 and 29 years old would have the lowest divorce rate
  • This period coincides with the end of brain development and the acquisition of a certain emotional maturity

We must not forget to point out that these figures represent general trends and do not take into account the specificities of each couple.

Beyond the numbers: individual factors to consider

If science gives us interesting clues about the ideal age to get married, it would be simplistic to stop at a simple number. Every couple is unique, and there are many factors that go into making a marriage successful.

Personal maturity: much more than a question of age

Before committing, it is crucial to assess your level of personal development:

  • Do you have a stable identity and a good knowledge of yourself?
  • Are you able to take responsibility and project yourself into the future?
  • Have you overcome the emotional wounds from the past that could affect your relationship?

The quality of the relationship: the heart of the matter

Beyond age, it is the strength of your relationship that will largely determine the success of your marriage. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Your communication is it fluid and honest?
  • Have you built a mutual trust solid ?
  • Vos life values ​​and goals are they in harmony?
  • Are you able to emotionally support in difficult times?

Practical aspects: do not neglect them

A successful marriage is also based on solid material foundations:

  • Are you able to manage a common budget ?
  • Have you discussed your plans in terms of accommodation and of family planning ?
  • Vos professional situations Are they compatible with your shared life plan?

The cultural and family context: a factor to take into account

Finally, don’t forget that your marriage is part of a broader context:

  • What are the expectations of your respective families ?
  • How does your decision fit into your cultural context ?
  • Are you prepared to face possible social pressures linked to your choice?

Towards a personalized approach to marriage

At the end of this overview, one thing is clear: there is no universally ideal age to get married. If science offers us valuable benchmarks, it is up to each couple to find their own balance. The main thing is to take the time to think, evaluate your personal situation and communicate openly with your partner. After all, marriage is only the beginning of an adventure for two. What really matters is being ready to grow together, to go through challenges hand in hand and to build a fulfilling relationship day after day. And you, what is your feeling about the ideal age to take the plunge?


Editor of the Economie News website, a specialist in economics, he is passionate about the economy and new technologies. It publishes news related to the economy, finance and technologies. He is currently Manager of the company Impact Seo, a web agency based in Aix-En-Provence.



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