Now is the time for environmental but also budgetary challenges. The municipality of Castelmaurou is launching into the self-production of solar electricity for this new year 2025. It is, in fact, setting up a photovoltaic project. The first site selected is the roof of the Suzanne Lenglen gymnasium, which is located on Rue du Bézinat. This year it will be equipped with a power plant of around 100 kWp (peak kilowatt). This renewable energy will be used for direct self-consumption by the gymnasium and the Les 4 Collines nursery school. The surplus not consumed directly will be valued in collective self-consumption. Collective self-consumption, an innovative concept, will make it possible to share the production of the photovoltaic plant between 11 municipal buildings (town hall, stadium, elementary school, village hall, etc.) located within a two-kilometer radius. Finally, the surplus will be resold to energy suppliers (such as EDF). The operation should allow the municipality to produce approximately 128 MWh (Megawatt hour) over a year. This energy should be 79% self-consumed and 21% resold. The production will cover around 27% of the municipality’s annual needs and should generate 15,900 euros in savings and 3,500 euros in revenue thanks to resale. The objective of the municipality of Castelmaurou is to produce electricity to sustainably reduce the energy bill. It is possible to obtain additional information by telephone on 05 61 37 88 11.