This January, let’s take the time to take a look back. Rennais, what was the face of your city in the 80s? What memories resurface? Maybe rock concerts. Or festivals like Trans Musicales or Tombées de la Nuit, which were taking off. Unless this is the end of car parking in a city center transformed into a pedestrian plateau by the municipality of Edmond Hervé? The Minitel? The arrival of the TGV? The controversies surrounding the Lices car park?
One thing is certain: the period of the 80s was pivotal for Rennes and its image. Tell us how you experienced it. For you, was it a golden age? Or, contrary to the proponents of “it was better before”, do you believe that this other Rennes had faults that have fortunately been corrected since?
Your testimony may be used in an article painting a portrait of Rennes 4 decades ago. If possible, indicate how we might contact you for clarification. If you wish, your anonymity will be preserved.