A presidential election before 2027? The idea of ​​an early election is gaining ground among the French

A presidential election before 2027? The idea of ​​an early election is gaining ground among the French
A presidential election before 2027? The idea of ​​an early election is gaining ground among the French

the essential
If calls for the resignation of Emmanuel Macron or initiatives for his dismissal have multiplied in recent months, an early presidential election divides the French but is gaining more and more ground.

What if the presidential election did not take place in 2027 as planned but was anticipated and took place this year 2025? This is the dream of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen, who are both betting that the head of state, faced with the political blockage caused by the dissolution, will be forced to resign like Mac Mahon once did.

Since the summer, the Insoumis, who have demanded the resignation of the head of state and launched a petition to this effect, have tried, in vain, to launch an impeachment procedure which has no chance of succeeding. Emmanuel Macron himself ended up reacting to these repeated demands for resignation during his trip to Saudi Arabia at the beginning of last December. According to him, “all of this is political fiction, it doesn’t make sense”, “it’s frankly not up to the standard of saying these things”. After the censorship of the Barnier government, the President was even more explicit: “You have entrusted me with a five-year democratic mandate and I will exercise it fully until its end. »

But some of the oppositions do not budge. “There are many reasons which could push Emmanuel Macron to end his mandate,” said Marie Le Pen in an interview with Le Parisien on December 17, assuring that she was “preparing” for an early presidential election.

The French now favor a resignation of Emmanuel Macron

On December 23 after the announcement of the Bayrou government, the same analysis from the leader of the rebellious deputies, Mathilde Panot: “This government has only one future: censorship. With the fall of Bayrou, King Macron will be naked. His departure is inevitable. » LFI has already embarked on preparations for an anticipated presidential election by starting to collect the promises of the 500 necessary sponsorships and by already contacting printers.

The Ecologists, Socialists and Communists are far from demanding an early presidential election out of conviction – there is no need to add additional chaos – and out of strategy – none are ready for a presidential election in 35 days.

As for the French, the idea of ​​an early presidential election is gaining ground. According to a Cluster17 poll at the beginning of December, 54% of them estimated that Emmanuel Macron “must resign and that a presidential election must be held in 2025” while 46% believe that “the presidential election must take place in 2027 in the respect for institutions. The first scenario is defended by the most “anti-system” voters, a sort of “protest arc” which runs through a large part of the left electorate and the RN.

This Friday according to an Odoxa poll, divided on the dissolution and doubting the ability of a new Prime Minister to re-establish a dynamic, 61% of French people now want Emmanuel Macron to resign, an increase of 7 points since September.




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