Olivier Frapolli (left) in discussion with his president Laurent Lairy.
Credit : Nicolas Geslin/Oxygène Radio
Every winter, perhaps more than summer, clubs are afraid of losing their best players. Stade Laval is no exception but with a group already enormously reworked in the off-season, Olivier Frapolli hopes not to have to make any other changes.s. “It’s true that if we have players who perform for six months and who have to leave for financial reasons it can be a problem, pointed out the Stade Lavallois coach. My wish is, if we do not recruit, that we do not become weaker.”
But the financial aspect quickly comes back to the fore, in a football eco-system which is still going through a difficult period. Stade Laval may well be perfectly managed and its finances healthy, but the fact remains that times are tough. “There are economic constraints which are inevitable”, said Olivier Frapolli. The Mayenne coach speaks regularly with Laurent Lairy, his president. The latter, who delegates the athlete but manages the checkbook, is on the same wavelength as his coach and will not sell at all costs. “He will decide, but what I can tell you is that we are not in the business of selling,” notes Olivier Frapolli.
Owen Kouassi and Sam Sanna, bankable players
The leaders are rather calmly managing this transfer window which will extend until February 3. The market values of the group (Sam Sanna, Owen Kouassi) are scrutinized and looked at without, for the moment, any French or foreign club having taken action. In case of sale, it will only be for a significant offer. Laval does not have an imperative need to sell this winter. “Now, if tomorrow there is an offer that the club cannot refuse and the player cannot refuse, that is part of the sport and the game.”
In terms of departures, players lacking playing time could also ask to leave the club. Regardless, the player will be replaced. The recruitment unit, in conjunction with data, is always prospecting and keeping lists up to date. “There are always names, but it will be more reaction than action,” admits Olivier Frapolli, who would not have been deprived of reinforcement. But the wage bill leaves no room for negotiations as it stands.
“Let us not weaken”
In order to recruit, the only lever will be a departure. “Either on a transfer, or on saving a significant salary, explains the tango technician. But once again, depending on the position it concerns, it will not necessarily be a necessity to recruit. What I hope for is that if we fail to strengthen ourselves, we will not weaken ourselves.”
Between now and the end of the transfer window and its sometimes overworked surroundings, there are six matches to play for Stade Lavallois. With, to begin with, the reception of the Lorient leader on Saturday evening (8 p.m.).