The dynamics of the flu have intensified over the past two weeks, marked by a preponderance of the A (H1N1) virus. All metropolitan regions are now in the epidemic phase, as well as Martinique.
Flu indicators in the city and in hospitals continue to rise for the second consecutive week. All regions of France are therefore now in an epidemic, just like Martinique. As for Guadeloupe and Guyana, they are in pre-epidemic.
Last week, 167,651 new cases of influenza were detected in the territory, or 251 cases of influenza seen in general medicine consultations per 100,000 inhabitants. This rate is clearly increasing, underlines the Sentinel network at the origin of these statistics, since 180 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants had been recorded a week earlier. “The dynamics of the influenza epidemic seen in primary care seem similar to those observed during the 2022-2023 season. » The 350 confirmed cases of influenza collected by general practitioners and pediatricians concerned people from 3 months to 95 years old, for a median age of 31 years. 91% of them were not vaccinated while 20% had risk factors for complications. “Children under 15 were the most affected in town and in hospital”observes Public Health France in its weekly bulletin. This also points to a sharp increase in hospitalizations among people aged 65 and over. Compared to the five previous epidemics, the level of intensity at the hospital increased this week from moderate to high for all ages and to a very high level among those under 15 years old. While the share of deaths mentioning the flu increased from 1.9% to 3.8% in one week.
The 350 influenza viruses identified since the beginning of October are 50% type A (H1N1), 29% type B Victoria and 14% type A (H3N2) (50/350), the remainder being type B of undetermined lineage. and type A not subtyped.
Overall, the number of patients consulting for an acute respiratory infection (ARI) has increased sharply over the past two weeks, in 54% of these cases influenza viruses are the cause. We observe a slight improvement with regard to bronchiolitis, which is declining throughout the territory with a decrease in the majority of indicators even if the epidemic stage persists in eleven regions of France, in the Antilles, Mayotte and Guyana. . However, Île-de-France has moved to the post-epidemic stage while the epidemic is beginning in Corsica and Reunion. As for Covid-19, activity is generally stable at low levels.