Gisèle Pelicot: “I respect the sentence”. But there are those who cry disappointment

Gisèle Pelicot: “I respect the sentence”. But there are those who cry disappointment
Gisèle Pelicot: “I respect the sentence”. But there are those who cry disappointment

The children of are disappointed Gisele Pelicot from the sentences inflicted today on the 51 defendants in the Mazan rape trial, which ended with a 20-year prison sentence for the father Dominique and sentences of 3 to 13 years for the 50 accomplices. Too light according to a member of the Pelicot family quoted by the agency Press. And the demonstrators also think the same feminists gathered outside the court, arriving to demonstrate support for the victim, upon hearing the news of the sentence they shouted slogans such as “Shame on justice”.

For her part, Gisèle Pelicot, the victim in the maxi-trial, said she respected the judges’ sentence, criticized by some as too soft. “I respect her”said Pelicot, speaking after the decision announced this morning at the Palace of Justice in Avignon. Shortly before, a member of the Pelicot family had declared that the three children, David, Caroline and Florian, were “disappointed” by the sentences handed down by the magistrates.

The many messages of esteem for the woman continue, who has become a symbol of struggle. “Shame must change fields. Thank you, Gisèle Pelicot! – is the German Chancellor’s post on X Olaf Scholzpraising her “courage” for having “come out of anonymity” and “fought for justice”. Gisèle gave “women a strong voice around the world. The shame always belongs to the perpetrator,” Scholz writes. “How much dignity. Thank you, Gisèle Pelicot. Let the shame change sides” is the comment of the Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez.

Meanwhile, her ex-husband, Dominique Pelicot, “takes note” of the maximum sentence and does not rule out appealing: “We will take advantage of the ten-day deadline given to us to understand whether to appeal,” said Pelicot’s lawyer, Béatrice Zavarro, specifying that nothing has yet been decided.



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