Gerard Yepes dedicates his first goal with the Sampdoria shirt to the fans who came to Rome to support the team
First goal with the shirt of Sampdoria per Gerard Yepes, who scored the temporary 3-1 goal (match ended 4-1 for the Giallorossi) in the Blucerchiati’s defeat in the Italian Cup against Roma.
It was certainly not an easy match for the team Leonardo Semplici, con Yepes who, on Sampdoria’s official channels, explained what went wrong in the first minutes. It was also a question of formation, with the start with the 4-3-3 which did not have the desired effects:
I think that in the first few minutes we were penalized a lot, especially for our mistakes where we need to improve, then when the coach and the staff decided to change the formation and put us in a different way, we felt better and the positions were more covered, the mister gave us the confidence we needed, with these changes we managed to do a little better.
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Leonardo Semplici he is shaping the team. This isn’t his yet Sampdoria, but the technician, as he states Yepes, he is trying, little by little, to teach his dictates. Without insisting on too many concepts to avoid creating confusion for a team that is already on its third technical lead of the season:
He tells us the main aspects of how he wants to play but without telling us too many things so as not to cause too much confusion, then as the weeks go by he will tell us new principles, but for now he is giving us a lot of trust and makes us feel calm and asks us the first concepts that he considers important and are the ones where we are working the most.
The first goal is never forgotten. Even if it arrived on a less than happy evening, Yepes wanted to dedicate it to the fans of Sampdoria present (around 900), who came to support the team despite the distance and the midweek commitment:
In this stadium I made my debut and scored the first goal with the first team, it was a very nice feeling, especially in the goal where our fans were, so I was able to dedicate the goal to them, as thanks for coming to support us as always and they give me a lot of confidence to continue and to recover with my teammates from this situation and to aim for our true goal.