The Community Council of the Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Agglomeration Community will meet this Monday, December 16 at the Sainte-Marguerite village hall. During the session, the agenda will lead community elected officials to consider the following 28 points:
1. Adoption of the minutes of the community council of November 18, 2024
2. Financial agreement with the Grand Est Region for OPAH-RU on the Small Towns of Tomorrow
3. Pacte territorial France of the Rhine
4. Modification of the provisional amount of 2024 compensation allocations
5. Adoption of the provisional amount of the compensation allocation due to each member municipality for the year 2025
6. Neutralization of amortization of subsidies paid
7. Modifying Decisions – Sanitation budgets
8. Reversals and constitution of provisions
9. Authorization to initiate, liquidate and mandate 2025 investment expenditure
10. Loan guarantee taken out by SA HLM Le Toit Vosgien
11. Granting of assistance funds to municipalities
12. Approval of the REOMI 2 price scales
13. Partnership agreement relating to the implementation of the conservation and action plan for improving the ecological functionality of pearl mussel watercourses in the Vologne basin
14. Adoption of 2023 Reports on the Price and Quality of the Public Drinking Water and Sanitation Service (RPQS)
15. Approval of 2025 tariffs for drinking water and collective sanitation
16. Reform of water agency fees
17. Agreement constituting an intercommunal agreement with the Community of
Municipalities of the Territory from Lunéville to Baccarat for the creation of the master plan
wastewater treatment for the Raon l'Etape sanitation agglomeration
18. Supply and treatment of leachate to the Saint-Dié-des-Vosges wastewater treatment plant
19. Project to establish the Françoise Dolto childhood home and family reception
20. Modification of the operating regulations of the Françoise Dolto children’s home and
of family care Establishments for the reception of young children
21. Modification of the L’horizon meeting space service project
22. Modification of the operating regulations of the commission for allocating places for establishments welcoming young children
23. Modification of the community interest of the “social action” competence
24. Setting prices for the Espace George Sadoul bar
25. Assessment of the action plan on equality between women and men (2021-2022-2023)
26. Membership in the 2025-2028 statutory risk insurance group contract of the Vosges Management Center (CDG 88)
27. Modification of the staffing table
28. Adoption of the internal regulations of the assemblies