Christmas bonus 2024: for whom, when and what amount? Here's everything you need to know about this end-of-year aid

Christmas bonus 2024: for whom, when and what amount? Here's everything you need to know about this end-of-year aid
Christmas bonus 2024: for whom, when and what amount? Here's everything you need to know about this end-of-year aid

the essential
While the payment of the Christmas bonus was initially supposed to take place three days ago, it will take place this Tuesday, December 17.

The Christmas bonus is the most publicized aid, and for good reason: 2.3 million households will benefit from it in 2024. And if many expected to receive it on December 13, the aid will in fact be paid this Tuesday the 17th. December, “the week before the Christmas holidays”, announced the Ministries of Solidarity, Labor, Budget and Public Accounts at the beginning of the month.

How much is it?

The reason for this discrepancy has not been specified, but what is certain is that nothing changes when it comes to receiving the Christmas bonus. If you are concerned, the CAF, the MSA or Pôle emploi will pay you this financial boost from the State, the amount of which is fixed. It varies depending on the composition of each household and can go up to 152.45 euros for a single person. This amount is 50% higher if the household is made up of two people – spouse or child – and 30% per additional child.

Who can benefit from it?

People eligible for the Christmas bonus are the beneficiaries of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), the Specific Solidarity Allowance (ASS), the Retirement Equivalent Allowance (AER) and the Flat-rate Bonus for resumption of activity or remuneration for Pôle emploi training (RFPE). It is necessary to have received one of these social minimums in November and December 2024.



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