Franceville: a traffic accident leaves 3 dead |

A terrible traffic accident occurred last Thursday, December 12 around 4 p.m., near the village Mapouba on the Franceville-Mvengue axis, in Haut-Ogooué. This is a collision between a small car driving towards the airport of the capital of the aforementioned province and a Toyota VX type vehicle coming from Moanda. The toll is heavy: 3 dead.

In addition to significant material damage, reports several witnesses. According to them, speeding would be the main cause. The driver of the Toyota vehicle apparently lost control of his machine, crossed the lane before violently colliding with the small car which was traveling in the other direction. The shock, witnesses estimate, was so violent that the occupants of the vehicle returning from Moanda had no chance of making it out alive.

Two young people aged 22 died on the spot. The driver of the small vehicle died shortly after being admitted to the
Amissa-Bongo university hospital center in Franceville. One of the victims, a seriously injured woman, is still in intensive care.

The results of the accident, the condition of the two vehicles and the sight of blood on the road traumatized and plunged the inhabitants of the Mapouba village into dismay. The bodies of the deceased were transported to a funeral home on the square.

An investigation was opened by Judicial Police officers to determine the exact circumstances of this tragic accident.




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