Agricultural workforce: “I save time thanks to using the Eure-et-Loir employers’ group at a cost of 18.46 euros per hour”

Agricultural workforce: “I save time thanks to using the Eure-et-Loir employers’ group at a cost of 18.46 euros per hour”
Agricultural workforce: “I save time thanks to using the Eure-et-Loir employers’ group at a cost of 18.46 euros per hour”

For three weeks, I have welcomed a agricultural employee recruited by the employers group from my department, employed on a time-share basis. He is the son of farmers, and even though he has spent his entire career outside of the agricultural sector, I see that he is rather comfortable, especially with equipment.

The employer group has a cost but saves time

The advantage of going through a group of employers is first of all to delegate all recruitment procedures: finding an employee, making declarations related to hiring. The employer group charges 18.46 euros per hour. This service has a cost for the operator, but we find ourselves financially speaking on certain aspects. Previously, when I hired my agricultural employee directly, I called on the management center to carry out routine administrative formalities such as preparing pay slips, which also generated costs. Using an external service such as an employer group is therefore not so costly, as it saves time.

Be present at start-up to welcome the employee

In all cases, you must be present at the start-up to clearly explain the missions to be accomplished. This is essential in my opinion, because autonomy is not innate. This employee works on my farm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, he works with another farmer, also in organic farming. We have chosen to determine fixed days to provide more peace of mind to the employee.

Agree with other operators to organize the employee's work

This shared time was necessary given the size of my farm. And I need one employee because for health reasons, I have to rest regularly. For the organization of working time, we come to an agreement with the other operator according to work peaks and the needs of each person. You have to be flexible.


EARL Le Baudouin, 138 hectares of organic farming (seed alfalfa, wheat, triticale, winter peas, barley, faba bean, sunflower, corn).



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