the sale of fake perfumes is growing, how can you avoid being fooled?

the sale of fake perfumes is growing, how can you avoid being fooled?
the sale of fake perfumes is growing, how can you avoid being fooled?

Among the gift ideas for Christmas, you may have considered perfumes, a trendy but expensive option. This pushes many people to turn to platforms like Vinted, which allows people to buy between individuals. However, according to customs figures, 642,000 fake perfumes were seized in 2023which is double compared to the previous year.

It is sometimes difficult to spot a counterfeit, even for professionals like Sarah, who was thinking of buying a bottle of Chanel n°5 sur Vinted: “35 euros for 100 ml of eau de parfum. I collect my package, I open it, it is in cellophane, the presentation is perfect, the writing and the barcode too. The packaging is identical in every way. But when I spray the perfume in the air, I know from the smell that it’s fake. He smells like toilet perfume,” she says.

The production of these fake fragrances keeps growingoften without respecting health standards in force in . Xavier Guéant, legal director of the Federation of Beauty Companies, explains that “these savings made on the evaluation of safety and on the quality of ingredients pose an even greater risk than simple allergy. This is the fact thatit is classified for example as carcinogenicthat’s a possibility.”

To avoid scams, a few tips can help verify authenticity of a perfume: pay attention to the spelling, the capacity, the price, but also the place of sale.

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