Patch Tuesday for December 2024 is the origin of several cumulative updates including KB5048652. It is aimed at all PCs running Windows 10 22H2. The focus is security.
KB5048652 is offered through different distribution channels including the Windows Update service. In this case its download and installation are automatic. Normally everything is provided by the Windows 10 maintenance service. If everything goes as planned, Windows 10 should evolve into version 19044.5247 or 19045.5247.
The focus is security with the correction of 44 vulnerabilities including 36 of significant severity and 8 of critical severity. These affect the Windows Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) by allowing remote code execution (CVE-2024-49112, CVE-2024-49124 and CVE-2024-49127), Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) (CVE -2024-49118 and CVE-2024-49122), remote desktop (CVE-2024-49123 and CVE-2024-49132) and LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) (CVE-2024-49126).
Windows 10 and KB5048652, what's new?
Alongside security we find several bug fixes. Microsoft provides a solution to a problem preventing Windows from activating after replacing the motherboard. There is also a fix for an issue with USB IPP printers
KB5048652 is available through the Microsoft Update Catalog online service. The latter allows you to retrieve it manually to carry out an offline installation.