What is the weather expected in Thonon-les-Bains and its surrounding areas on Sunday December 8, 2024?

This Sunday, December 8 in Thonon-les-Bains, the sky will be overcast when you wake up, but the temperatures will be quite warm. At dawn, the thermometer will show 2°C, and will rise to 4°C at the end of the morning. The wind will vary around 5 km/h, and its direction will be unstable.

This afternoon, clouds will persist. The mercury will remain homogeneous at 4°C. The force of the wind will always vary between 5 and 10 km/h, and its direction will fluctuate.

During the evening it will be cloudy again. The wind force will continue to increase between 7 p.m. and midnight, reaching approximately 30 km/h, while the mercury will remain stable at 3°C. Gusts could exceed 65 km/h. During this interval, the wind will be from the North-East sector.

The wind will oscillate around 30 km/h during the night, and it will still be from the North-East sector. In bursts, it can exceed 85 km/h. The thermometer will remain constant at 3°C. The weather will remain overcast.

On Monday, the temperature will be usual for the season: rising to 1°C on average, its maximum of 3°C will be reached from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. The sky will be mostly overcast, however, no bad weather is expected.


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