Floods in Karangligar Karawang village can be solved by ‘politics’

Floods in Karangligar Karawang village can be solved by ‘politics’
Floods in Karangligar Karawang village can be solved by ‘politics’

JAKARTA – Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Saan Mustopa checked the location of the cause of flooding in Karangligar Village, West Telukjambe, Karawang Regency, West Java. Check to encourage the fight against flood problems in Karangligar village, which is the most flood-prone area in Karawang.

Accompanied by the Regent of Karawang Aep Syaepuloh and the Head of the Great Hall of the Riverine Region (BBWS) Citarum Mochamad Dian Al Ma’rup. Check the meeting of Cidabolong River, Kaliurang River with Cibeet River.

“A permanent flood, somewhat permanent for decades of flooding. We are trying to see first-hand (the cause) and how it will be handled,” said Saan at the scene, Friday, December 6.

Saan will encourage flood management budget in Karangligar village. So that the implementation of flood management can be carried out in 2025.

“I encourage the politician, later Pak Bpati Haji Aep, we collaborate in synergy with BBWS to deal with the problem of flooding. For technically, Pak Dian (the head of BBWS Citarum),” Saan said.

Karawang Regent Aep Syaepuloh said his party strongly supports the implementation of flood management in Karangligar Village.

“The government is ready in this implementation, the local government certainly has nothing to worry about, this must be land for which more than 1 hectare we are ready to release. The important thing is that all the people in this region can be saved,” Aep said.

Aep admitted that it hopes management can be done by 2024. Local government will collaborate on flood management.

“Previously it was said that there would be a need for swimming pools and pumps with a need for 1 hectare more. We are also thank God there is Pak Saan as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives present here for a working visit,” said Aep.

Head of the Riverine Region Headquarters (BBWS) Citarum Mochamad Dian Al Ma’rup said that to manage floods in Karangligar village, a budget of around Rp. 80-100 billion is needed. .

“The budget is estimated at around 80 to 100 billion rupees. This is an immediate medium-term action, so we also designed how so that the water retreat of the Cida takong River is not continuous due to Cibeet,” said Dian.

First of all, Dian said, handling will be standardized in accordance with breeding. “After that we will install the gate, where after this gate will be seated, there will be installed a retention pool, so that once installed the gate cannot enter Cibeet, Cibeet cannot enter either Cida Durong,” Dian said.

Then to remove water from Cidakolong. It will pump into the retention pool as a water parking lot in Cibeet. Water will be reduced based on pumping capacity.

“God willing, the flood will subside significantly, leaving about 17 to 40 hectares of the 135 hectares of puddles here, I hope it is smooth,” Dian said.

For the rest, the West Java Government will be followed. “Well, later there will also be other efforts that we will follow up with the governor, to overcome the rest of those that have not been handled before. This we will not be able to exhibit because we still need design,” Dian said.

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