The torrential rains of recent days have caused serious flooding in several regions of the country, particularly in Grand’Anse and the North. A partial report shows one dead and three injured in the North, as well as 4 dead and 3 missing in Grand’Anse.
Local authorities in Cap-Haïtien are preparing to issue a municipal decree declaring a state of environmental emergency. This legal system will make it possible to demolish anarchic constructions on the slopes of hills and in ravines, identified as the main cause of recurring floods in the Christophian city.
Almost all of the neighborhoods of Cap-Haïtien were invaded by tons of rubbish and alluvium following the downpours of the last few days.
In Grand’Anse, new precipitation was recorded this Thursday, December 5, 2024. All rivers are in flood, particularly in Dame-Marie, Anse-d’Ainault, Les Irois, and in the locality of Léon. Several roads are cut, and public markets are dysfunctional, particularly in Chambellan.
Local authorities are calling for urgent government intervention, particularly to help more than 60 displaced families.
LLM Radio Métropole Haiti