its B&You 130 GB 5G package becomes really cheap

its B&You 130 GB 5G package becomes really cheap
its B&You 130 GB 5G package becomes really cheap

Are you tired of paying a fortune for your mobile plan? This is good news, Bouygues Telecom has just revealed an exceptional offer in the run-up to Christmas. Indeed, the B&You 130 GB 5G package is offered at only 7.99 euros per month without commitment. This is the perfect opportunity to change your plan.

The mobile offer is available right here:

I discover the B&You 130 GB 5G package

For comparison, the 20 GB 4G offer is priced at 6.99 euros per month, which means that for one euro more, you are entitled to 110 GB more data, 5G, as well as 19 GB of data to also be used abroad. The 150 GB package offers you 20 GB of additional mobile data for 5 euros more.

There is no question, for less than 8 euros per month, this 130 GB package is really worth it. To top it all off, the SIM card or eSIM is available for just 1 euro. However, we must not delay, because we do not know until when Bouygues Telecom intends to offer it.

Why choose this package?

This package includes 130 GB of data to use in mainland and gives you the benefit of 5G speed. For your trips abroad, you have 35 GB usable in Europe and the French Overseas Territories. Obviously, unlimited calls, SMS and MMS are included in mainland France and from the French Overseas Territories and Europe, to these same destinations and France. The operator Bouygues Telecom also has excellent 4G/4G+ and 5G coverage.

It also gives you the benefit of a quality network, particularly on mobile internet where it came first tied with the operator SFR according to the latest nPerf 2024 barometer. This offer is non-binding, you can cancel your offer at any time. moment and free of charge. This allows you to easily change offers and operators in case a more interesting offer presents itself.

You also have the possibility to consult your invoices, monitor your consumption, manage your options, or even obtain 24-hour assistance from the Bouygues Telecom customer area mobile application. The operator is responsible for terminating your current contract and porting your number to your old operator. You just have to give them your RIO number, which you can obtain by calling 3179.

When subscribing to this package, the operator will offer you the choice between a triple-cut SIM card or an eSIM, for which it charges only 1 euro in both cases. Enough to allow you to make a smooth transition – most operators charge 10 euros activation fees.

For only 7.99 euros per month, this B&You mobile offer is really worth it. We remind you that it will not remain on offer at this price for long. It is therefore best to subscribe now.

To find out more, click here:

I discover the B&You 130 GB 5G package

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