Jean-Pierre Doneux, former police chief, wins before the Council of State

Jean-Pierre Doneux, former police chief, wins before the Council of State
Jean-Pierre Doneux, former police chief, wins before the Council of State

Since then, Jean-Pierre Doneux has bounced back. He first became deputy to the DirCo, the coordinating director, within the federal police in the district of Namur, after taking the exams and passing them. To then become the ad interim director-coordinator. What he is today.

“It’s a big mess”

Nevertheless, these last years, and this whole procedure, have shaken him. “We suffered a lot during these difficult times”he explains today. We? Yes, him indeed, but also his wife and his children. But now he can clearly turn the page. Because, since then, he has filed an action before the Council of State and it ruled in his favor.

In the meantime, a new commander has been appointed to the Meuse-Hesbaye zone. There is no question for Jean-Pierre Doneux of attacking this appointment. Simply because he got another job, but also because he couldn’t see himself returning to the Amay police station. “There is a breakdown of trust with certain mayors”he explains. Nevertheless, he cannot help but affirm that everything that happened “is a real mess”.

Today, Jean-Pierre Doneux has turned the page. However, he couldn’t apply for any other job as long as he had this blemish on his CV. Not that he wants to change his professional career today. “I feel very good in my new role in Namur. Now, I am looking forward to retirement.he explains. But the damage is done.” Nevertheless, he enjoyed his work in Amay and immerses himself in his memories, in the projects he carried out there, such as the Wanze police station, the Saint-Georges by-pass. “These are my files.” The past is still very present and is painful. “I still don’t understand after all these years. Two psychology experts recommended that I return to the zone and supervise the entire management committee. They did none of that.” And to affirm that everything was “amalgamations and untruths”. And Jean-Pierre Doneux adds: “fortunately, the third power can save you from the arbitrariness of politicians”.


It’s starting to come out

The decision of the Council of State was released before the last municipal elections on October 13. Jean-Pierre Doneux, however, did not want to testify before this electoral deadline. No question of populism. Today, he affirms it: the page is turned but “the wounds remain there, the incomprehension remains”. For three years, the former corps commander had no contact with his area. “I deprived myself of all contact with practically everyone around me, it wasn’t easy. Once it’s over, I’m starting to go out again…”

Jean-Pierre Doneux submitted a request for compensation for the damage suffered from the Meuse-Hesbaye zone.

A sum already planned

On Monday, the Meuse-Hesbaye police zone will install its new zone council and will designate the mayor who will become president of the zone, replacing Verlaine Hubert Jonet. And, clearly, the follow-up to this decision of the Council of State will fall to the new police college. “It’s the new college that will take control”comments Hubert Jonet. And to deal with the damages that Jean-Pierre Doneux will claim? A sum is provided for in an article entitled “fees”, in the 2025 budget of the zone. But the amount claimed has not yet been finalized. And it may take a few months, if not more, before the zone knows what it will have to pay.



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