Who is Domitille Kiger, the Frenchwoman who sets free fall world records? – Evening edition West-

Who is Domitille Kiger, the Frenchwoman who sets free fall world records? – Evening edition West-
Who is Domitille Kiger, the Frenchwoman who sets free fall world records? – Evening edition West-France

Led by Frenchwoman Domitille Kiger, 96 experienced skydivers broke the world record for jumping in a large synchronized “head up” formation on Saturday, November 30 in Eloy, Arizona (United States). Who is this skydiving figure who collects world records?

It is a dizzying feat which was achieved on Saturday November 30. A group of 96 skydivers broke the world record for a large synchronized “head up” formation jump on Saturday, November 30 in Eloy in the United States.

A tenth world record

At their head, Frenchwoman Domitille Kiger is not her first attempt. For nearly fifteen years, the Parisienne has built a solid reputation and established herself as one of the most influential figures in world skydiving. With nearly 10,000 jumps under her belt, she already had nine world records to her credit before this one. The latest: a nighttime jump with 41 other parachutists equipped with LED suits and equipped with pyrotechnic devices on their feet, carried out last March.

A revelation at 15

A passion for the sky that was born at the age of 15 when she made her first tandem jump. A true revelation for those who will devote their lives to free fall. In 2008, she decided to fly to the same town of Eloy. This small town in Arizona, populated by around fifteen thousand inhabitants, is world famous for hosting record attempts and free fall competitions for years.


Three months of training during which she perfected her technique and met other experienced skydivers. Before participating in his first competitions the same year. At the end of her studies she joined the Freefly French team. Champion of and Europe in 2011, she won the holy grail in 2012, becoming world champion in Dubai. A consecration for this free fall lover.

Eager for experiences and challenges. Above all, the Frenchwoman seeks to share her passion and commune with her peers: “Joy is truly multiplied when it is shared. This is true for any jump, and it is even more true for large formation jumps: they are challenges, and therefore collective successes. Organizing these records is my way of taking as many people as possible on this incredible and intense adventure towards excellence, self-mastery and connection.she says.

“Show that women are capable”

For this unprecedented feat, the 35-year-old young woman surrounded herself with around a hundred parachutists of 20 different nationalities, coming from the four corners of the world. Everyone, each more experienced than the last, was hand-picked to achieve this performance. “A real technical and physical challenge”explains the Frenchwoman.

But beyond the sporting aspect, Domitille Kiger wanted to convey a political message: “With this record, it is about showing that women are capable of leading projects of the highest caliber in their field, and that by working together, with respect and fairness, we can push the limits. We are literally “standing together” in the sky, but also united in the idea of ​​a world where everyone has their place, whatever their gender.she stressed.



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