“We are here to save the public service”
“The majority of Rosies are women in the civil service. We are here to save the public service. The budget cuts in the Region worry us and at the national level, the three days of waiting time for civil servants”
Unions speak out
Public service unions speak before the departure of the procession:
“We denounce the repeated attacks against essential public services. We denounce unacceptable and profoundly destructive reform projects for public services. »
The Sarthe Rosies, dressed in their traditional work overalls, begin a dance to the music of “Le coach”, by Soprano.
Protesters address Christelle Morançais
Demonstrators from the world of culture send numerous messages to Christelle Morançais. As a reminder, the president of the Pays de la Loire Region had announced significant budget cuts mainly affecting cultural aid.
“We feel directly threatened for our future jobs”
Several students are there to oppose the Region’s budget cuts. “A lot of small associations in the culture or cinema sector are in danger. We feel directly threatened as students and for our future jobs,” react Clémentine, Daphnée and Victor, in the second year at Beaux-Arts.
The Place du Jet-d’Eau is filling up
Demonstrators begin to flock to the foot of Saint-Julien Cathedral. About a hundred people arrived on site.
The students and high school students have arrived
“He who sows misery reaps anger,” shout the young demonstrators, who are the first to make noise at the start of the afternoon.
Where are the protesters?
A few minutes before the start of the demonstration, it’s hard to say that it’s about to start… The Place du Jet-d’Eau is almost empty.
The route of the Le Mans event
The Le Mans event will leave at 1:30 p.m. from Place du Jet-d’Eau. The demonstrators will then head towards the station via rue du 33e-Mobile, rue Chanzy and rue du Bourg-Belé. The procession will then go to the Prefecture via Avenue du Général-De Gaulle.
Demonstrations all over France
Why this mobilization?
The national mobilization of this Thursday, December 5 focuses on “the deterioration of working conditions” and the contestation of a plan to fight against “absenteeism” of civil servants.
Gathering at Place du Jet-d’Eau
The meeting for the Le Mans mobilization was set by the inter-union at 1:30 p.m., Place du Jet-d’Eau.
1 p.m
Good morning ! The editorial staff of Maine Libre and Ouest-France are working together to help you follow the Le Mans event.