Motion of censure: Michel Barnier resigned to his fate, the vote will soon take place, follow our live

Motion of censure: Michel Barnier resigned to his fate, the vote will soon take place, follow our live
Motion of censure: Michel Barnier resigned to his fate, the vote will soon take place, follow our live

It's the turn of Charles de Courson, general budget rapporteur, to speak on behalf of the Liot group. He explains why his group will not vote “almost unanimously” on the motion of censure, and gives four reasons:

– “It would give back control to the President of the Republic, at the origin of the political chaos installed through the dissolution. A decision understood neither by public opinion nor by his supporters.”

– “This is aggravating the democratic crisis. What will the French think of a National Assembly incapable of adopting a finance law? The rejection of parliamentary democracy could lead to an authoritarian regime.”

– “This is not the time to vote on a motion of censure: the economic and social situation is not good, is deteriorating and such a vote would accentuate the feeling of uncertainty among economic players.”

– If the motion of censure were adopted, a democratic exit seems impossible today. Dissolution is only possible in 7 months, and no one can predict the composition of a new Assembly. As for the hypothesis of the president's resignation, he ruled it out last night.”



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